Alper Şen
Contact Information
Department of Industrial Engineering
Bilkent University
Bilkent, Ankara 06800 Turkey
+90 312 290 1539
IE 568 Theory of Pricing and Revenue Management
IE 468 Pricing and Revenue Optimization
IE 376 Production Information Systems
IE 571 Analytical Models for Supply Chain Management
IE 375 Production Planning
IE 461 Supply Chain Management
Publications (Google Scholar Profile)
Thesis Supervised Education
Ph.D., Business Administration, University of Southern California, 2000 Academic and Industrial Experience Other
B. Bebitoglu, A. Şen, P. Kaminsky.
Multi-location assortment optimization under capacity constraints.
Naval Research Logistics, accepted, 2023.
N. Comez-Dolgan, H. Dag, N. Fescioglu-Unver, A. Şen.
Multi-plant manufacturing assortment planning in the presence of transshipments.
European Journal of Operational Research, accepted, 2023.
O. Karasan, A. Şen, B. Tiryaki, E. Cicek.
A unifying network modeling approach for codon optimization.
Bioinformatics, 38 (16), 3935-3941, 2022.
N. Comez-Dolgan, N. Fescioglu-Unver, E. Cephe, A. Şen.
Capacitated strategic assortment planning under explicit demand substitution.
European Journal of Operational Research, 294 (3), 1120-1138, 2021.
O. Alp, A. Şen.
Delegation of stocking decisions under asymmetric demand information.
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 23 (1), 55-69, 2021.
A. Şen, K. Kargar, E. Akgun, M. C. Pinar.
Codon optimization: A mathematical programming approach.
Bioinformatics, 36 (13), 4012-4020, 2020.
A. Şen, A. Atamturk, P. Kaminsky
A conic integer optimization approach to the constrained assortment problem under the mixed MNL model.
Operations Research, 66 (4), 994-1003, 2018.
K. Guler, E. Korpeoglu, A. Şen.
Newsvendor competition under asymmetric cost information.
European Journal of Operational Research, 271 (2), 561-576, 2018.
A. Şen, M. Talebian.
Markdown budgets for retail buyers: help or hindrance?
Production and Operations Management, 26 (10), 1875-1892, 2017.
K. Guler, E. Korpeoglu, A. Şen.
Design and analysis of mechanisms for decentralized joint replenishment.
European Journal of Operational Research, 259 (3), 992-1002, 2017.
A. Şen.
Competitive markdown timing for perishable and substitutable products.
Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, 64, 24-41, 2016.
G. Hancerliogullari, A. Şen, E. Agca.
Demand uncertainty and inventory turnover performance: An empirical analysis of the US retail industry.
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 46 (6/7), 681-708, 2016.
A. Şen, H. Yaman, K. Guler, E. Korpeoglu.
Multi-period supplier selection with uncertain demand.
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 65 (11), 1636-1648, 2014.
A. Şen.
Performance bounds on optimal fixed prices.
Operations Research Letters, 41 (3), 530-534, 2013.
E. Korpeoglu, A. Şen, K. Guler.
Non-cooperative joint replenishment under asymmetric information.
European Journal of Operational Research, 227 (3), 434-443, 2013.
A. Şen.
A comparison of fixed and dynamic pricing policies in revenue management.
Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, 41 (3), 586-597, 2013.
E. Korpeoglu, A. Şen, K. Guler.
A private contributions game for joint replenishment.
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 75 (1), 67-82, 2012.
M.C. Pinar, A. Şen and G. Eron.
Financial valuation of supply chain contracts.
in Handbook of Integrated Risk Management in Global Supply Chains O. Boyabatli, L. Dong, P. Kouvelis and R. Li (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 219-245, 2011.
D. Beyer, S. Clearwater, K.Y. Chen, Q. Feng, B. A. Huberman, S. Jain, Z. Jamal, A. Şen, H.K. Tang, B. Tarjan, J. Ward, A. Zhang, B. Zhang.
Advances in business analytics at HP Laboratories.
in A Long View of OR/MS Research and Practice
C. Tang and M. Sodhi (Eds). Springer, 195-217, 2010.
A. Şen, D. Bhatia, K. Doğan.
Applied Materials uses Operations
Research to design its service and spares network.
Interfaces, 40 (4), 253-266, 2010.
M. M. Tanrıkulu, A. Şen, O. Alp.
A joint
replenishment policy with individual control and constant size orders.
International Journal of Production Research, 48 (14-15), 4253-4271, 2010.
U. Gurler, S. Oztop, A. Şen.
Optimal bundle
formation and pricing of two products with limited stock.
International Journal of Production Economics, 118 (2), 442-462, 2009.
A. Şen, A. X. Zhang. Style goods pricing
with demand learning.
European Journal of Operational Research, 196 (3), 1058-1075, 2009.
Z. Bulut, U. Gurler, A. Şen.
Bundle pricing of
inventories with stochastic demand. An extended version
European Journal of Operational Research, 197 (3), 897-911, 2009.
A. Şen.
The U.S. fashion industry: a supply chain review.
International Journal of Production Economics, 114 (2), 571-593,
H. Yaman, A. Şen. Manufacturer's mixed pallet design problem.
European Journal of Operational Research, 186 (2), 826-840, 2008.
Y. L. Kocağa, A. Şen.
Spare parts inventory management with delivery lead times and rationing.
IIE Transactions, 39 (9), 879-898, 2007.
A. Şen, A. X. Zhang.
Newsboy problem with multiple demand classes.
IIE Transactions, 31 (5), 431-44, 1999.
A. Şen, O.S. Benli.
Lot streaming in open shops.
Operations Research Letters, 23 (3-5), 135-142,1998.
A. Şen, E. Topaloğlu, O.S. Benli.
Optimal streaming of a single job in a
two-stage flow shop.
European Journal of Operational Research, 110(1),
42-62, 1998.
E. Korpeoğlu. Essays on non-cooperative inventory games.
Ph.D. Thesis. Jan 2012.
Y. L. Kocağa. Spare parts inventory management with delivery lead times and rationing.
M.S. Thesis. May 2004.
Z. Bulut. Bundle pricing
of inventories with stochastic demand. M.S. Thesis. September 2004.
(Co-advised with U. Gurler)
S. Oztop. Optimal bundle
formation and pricing of two products with limited stock. M.S. Thesis.
September 2005.
(Co-advised with U. Gurler)
C. Latifoğlu.
Analysis of consignment contracts for spare
parts inventory systems. M.S. Thesis. August 2006.
M. M. Tanrıkulu.
Joint replenishment problem with truck cost
structures. M.S. Thesis. December 2006.
(Co-advised with O. Alp)
N. Ahat. Multi-period inventory models with price protection. M.S. Thesis. July
2007. (Co-advised with O. Alp)
A. G. Eron. Financial
valuation of flexible supply contracts. M.S. Thesis. December 2008.
(Co-advised with M.C. Pinar)
E. Z. Demirci. Production timing
decisions with constrained capacity and Bayesian updates. M.S. Thesis. August
2009. (Co-advised with N. K. Erkip)
Y. Altunoğlu. Cash inventory management at Automated Teller Machines with
incomplete information. M.S. Thesis. January 2010. (Co-advised with O. Alp)
G. Hancerlioğulları. Sales forecast inaccuracy and inventory turnover performance: An empirical analysis of U.S. retail sectors. M.S. Thesis. July 2010.
Y. Aydınlı. Impact of product variety on inventory performance: an empirical analysis of pharmaceutical and medical device industries. M.S. Thesis. August 2012.
O. Cetin. Exact solutions and heuristics for multi-product inventory pricing problem. M.S. Thesis. July 2014.
B. Bebitoğlu. Multi-location assortment optimization under capacity constraints. M.S. Thesis. July 2016.
M. Ghaniabadi. Capacitated assortment optimization and pricing problems under mixed multinomial logit model. M.S. Thesis. July 2016.
M.S., Industrial Engineering, Bilkent University, 1995
B.S., Industrial Engineering, Bilkent University, 1993
Visiting Scholar, Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, University of California-Berkeley, 2014-2015
Visiting Fellow, Department of Decision Sciences, Business School, National University of Singapore (Singapore), 2010
Consultant, Applied Materials (Santa Clara, California, USA), 2006-2007
Visiting Researcher, Hewlett Packard Laboratories (Palo Alto, California, USA),
Senior Consultant, SCM, i2 Technologies, High Tech Industry Business Unit,
Research Assistant, University of Southern California, 1995-1999
Research Assistant, Bilkent University, 1993-1995
Associate Editor,
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2019-
of Hewlett Packard Laboratories Innovation Research Award 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Kuresel Rekabet icin
Tedarik Zinciri Entegrasyonu ve Lojistik, presentation (in Turkish)
at Textile and Apparel Logistics Conference, September 11, 2007,